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Persona Branding Workshops, Masterclasses and Masterminds
with Lorraine Carter
How to Build A Brand Workshop
Who’s it For: Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, SMEs / SMBs, Business Owners, Brand Managers, Consultants
An exciting and empowering workshop where we take a deep dive, step-by-step on how to build your brand. You’ll learn the systems and methodologies employed by some of the world’s greatest brands so you can apply these strategies to your own brand. This is not a theory based programme but a highly interactive fast-track course where each participant works intensively throughout the programme duration using our ten step system.
Outcome: A clear understanding of how brands and branding works, that a logo is not a brand or designing your website or other brand collateral either! You leave with your brand fully mapped out and documented in a 50 page work book which you complete over the two days and summarise in a separate brand briefing executive summary document so you have a total brand roadmap or GPS of your brand to enable you to manage your brand and grow your business successfully.
Revitalising or Rebranding Masterclass? The Do’s and Don’ts for Doing it Successfully
Who’s it For: Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, SMEs / SMBs, Business Owners, Brand Managers, Consultants
Rebranding or revitalising a brand can be a challenging and risky business if done incorrectly or without due diligence. The market is littered with case study disasters of major global brands along with smaller national players who failed dismally with great expense or permanent demise. Done correctly, rebranding or brand revitalisation can take your business to the next level and accelerate exponential growth ensuring your brand maintains market relevance and generates increasing profits. This session has been developed to give you the structure and process for overhauling or refreshing your brand successfully together with all the do’s and dont’s for doing it right, so you maximise the return on your investment.
Outcome: A thorough understanding of when you should consider change and how to evaluate which route, rebrand or refresh, is most suitable for your brand. Overview of the complete process, how to plan resources, budgets and timelines together with useful checklists for ensuring a successful outcome and a copy of our Rebranding Resource Roadmap™ to use in your rebranding or brand revitalisation process.
Winning Brand Packaging Masterclass – The Key Ingredients for Success
Who’s it For: Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, SMEs / SMBs, Business Owners and Brand Managers of Products
Developing and relaunching or launching a new product to market in any sector is fraught with challenges for getting it right. One of the most critical and often underestimated elements, which can make or break your product’s success, is your packaging design. In this workshop we take you through the whole process together with how to evaluate all the key ingredients required for successful packaging both in terms of your brand strategy, aesthetics, shelf impact and functional requirements. We also take a look at current and future trends so you’re empowered to make more informed decisions and increase your success.
Outcome: A thorough understanding of key elements required to develop successful packaging and how to evaluate which approach is most suitable for your brand. You’ll also get an overview of the complete process, how to plan resources, budgets and timelines together with useful checklists for ensuring a successful outcome in your brand packaging design process.
Branding and Leadership Masterclass – Leveraging Your Vision and Voice To Grow Your Brand
Who’s it For: Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, CEOs, Managing Directors and General Managers
Arguably one of the most important drivers of any brand is its senior leaders, particularly the President, CEO or Managing Director. Organisation leaders are the visionaries and voices behind a brand. They influence its impact and most importantly they shape brand culture, development, growth, market perceptions, customer experiences and how staff are trained and represent, live, and champion the brand. Yet this critical factor of leadership with brands is one of the most overlooked and undervalued, as evidenced by market research.
Outcome: This workshop is all about empowering leaders of organisations, large and small, to become stronger leaders of brands so they can truly lead, influence and shape how their brand is represented, developed and advocated both within their organisation and externally so its perceived to be the preferred choice and consequently drives increased profitability.
Build Your Authentic Brand Story Workshop
Who’s it For: Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, SMEs / SMBs, Business Owners, Brand Managers, Consultants
The strongest brands, product or service, have the best stories — ones that are eminently attention-getting, relatable and most importantly, shareable. In our always-on hyper-connected world stories are key to enhancing brand differentiation and making brands more memorable and referable, and so essential for brand growth. They create the human touch that helps brands connect with customers which in turn evokes emotions and emotions drive transformation, change and sharing. In other words, you must develop your brand story to win the heart in order to move the mind because people buy with emotion first — product, service or idea — and justify with rational afterwards, regardless of gender or cultural background.
Outcome: This workshop is very hands on. Working with our six-step Brand Story Selling System™ we take you through the whole process of developing your brand story so you can give it shape, resonance, relevance and emotional intensity. At the end of the workshop, you have your brand story mapped out under all the key criteria and ready for development in your brand strategy, brand collateral and communications plans.
Naming Workshop For Your Product, Service or Idea
Who’s it For: Entrepreneurs, SMEs / SMBs, Business Owners, Brand Managers, Consultants
One of the areas we get most frequent requests for help with when running other workshops and masterclasses is naming, be it product, service or idea, which was actually the catalyst for us developing this particular workshop. We’re real believers in working with our clients through a structured naming process, which while a lot of fun, needs to be well grounded within brand direction so this workshop gets the best results once all your brand profiling work is completed.
It’s worth noting that if you haven’t got your brand fully mapped out to provide the requisite brand direction for your brand naming then we’d recommend you participate in the ‘How to Build a Brand’ workshop first for the best outcomes. The ‘How to Build a Brand’ workshop fully maps out your brand whether it’s new or partially developed so that the outputs from it will give you your brand creative brief. This means your naming workshop and process is done in the context relevant to your market, target audience and what your brand stands for, rather than in a subjective vacuum which doesn’t always generate the best outcomes.
Outcome: An overview of various naming conventions, the pros and cons of each type, how to apply a strategic and creative approach to your brand name origination and hands-on participation in the naming process. This enables you to develop a short-list of names ready for systematically running through our Nail-it-Naming™ process to boil them down to objective first and second preferences which are relevant to your brand, market and target audience.
Top 10 Ways Our Branding Programmes Help You Grow Your Business and Increase Your Profits
- Raise your visibility so your brand becomes the front-of-mind preferred choice
- Define and create what makes your brand different, distinctive and memorable so you can add perceived value and command a premium
- Reduce customer acquisition costs so you increase your profits and performance
- Attract high performing employees while also reducing recruitment costs and employee attrition rates
- Increase customer brand loyalty and referring so they increase their spend with you and influence others to buy from you too
- Position your brand, product or service, as the best leading solution in your sector so you are seen to be the No.1 choice
- Develop an intellectual property asset so you have more choices in terms of selling or investment
- Create a strong brand so you can leverage other new products, services and line extensions
- Increase engagement and market impact so you extend your reach and grow your business/organisation
- Stops commoditization so your brand commands a premium and sustainable competitive advantage
Check out the Persona Brand Building Blueprint™ Mastermind. It empowers you to build your brand strategy, raise the visibility of your brand, increase profitability, reduce customer acquisition costs and position your brand as the №1 choice for your customers. Discover more here.

Build your standout brand at the Persona Brand Building Blueprint™ Mastermind with Lorraine Carter
If you’re looking for a DIY solution to build your standout brand, then our Personality Profile Performer™Programme is the perfect solution for you because it empowers you to build a vibrant brand and inject it with meaning and purpose to drive customer purchase, all based on the latest developments in the branding industry. Discover more here.