“Top 20 Rebranding Mistakes to Avoid
and 13 key Questions to Ask Before You Start”
What is Packaging Design ?
Packaging is brand design at the sharp end, the art of promising and being believed, a tangible realisation of a brand that projects the key brand messages.
It represents the virtues and appeal of a product, according to the well-researched tastes and aspirations of the consumer, and so is crucial to supporting the establishment of a product and it’s brand proposition. Creating a visually arresting pack design, that imparts a memorable product story, has to be achieved in a single and highly effective statement which catches the brief attention of the time deprived consumer.
Health and Safety Packaging
Packaging design has a huge role to play in healthcare helping to communicate a whole host of vitally important messages to both doctors, nurses and patients. These can range from critical facts about dosage or imagery designed to offer comfort and confidence. Intelligent and innovative packaging can also aid in the accurate dispensing of medicines and ease of use for disabled or elderly patients.
It is also important to remember that packaging is an integral part of our lifestyles and our homes. Whether we want to or not it’s something we see repetitiously, often over long periods of time, making it a formidable medium to promote information about a whole host of issues such as general wellbeing messages about healthy eating or indeed health hazards.
Environmentally Friendly Packaging
The environmental impact or carbon footprint of packaging design is also an increasingly significant concern for both manufacturers and consumers alike. Green packaging now is a much about recycling as it is about distance a product has to travel from source to point of purchase.
Companies like Tesco, Wal-Mart and IKEA can make savings of millions of euros on fast moving consumer goods by maximising the number of products they can ship per pallet thus saving greenhouse emissions along with reductions in excessive packaging to reduce weight and consequently reduce costs too. Good packaging design needs to as much drive top line sales as it does in driving down waste and bottom line costs.
Packaging Temptations and Pitfalls
There are also numerous pitfalls that businesses need to be aware of such as the desire to over-design packaging and over-promise which can lead to a consumer backlash. It does not matter how pretty the pack design looks if what you are selling on the outside is misrepresented and does not live up to the promise on the inside. Consumers might be fooled once, but your customers will not buy from you again and probably readily communicate their disappointment to other potential consumers with negative “talk” be it verbally or through the multiple channels of social media.
Avoid plagiarism or following the style of the brand leader otherwise it could lead to trade mark infringement and costly legal action. It will most certainly lead to consumers overlooking your product as the second rate me too, if they notice it at all.
Be aware of culture sensitivities and linguistic differences. What works in one market won’t necessarily work in another e.g. in the Middle East you can’t show people’s eyes or the soles of someone’s feet as this is deemed culturally unacceptable.
Packaging Design Competitiveness
We as consumers live in a world of infinitely changing choice. A strongly packaged brand should offer protection and carve out a point of difference for the brand that can protect against competitor activity through trade marking. More significantly, a strong brand pack design can provide the key to higher margins as you amplify an emotional point of difference and apply clever positioning, in addition to a rational or functional design.
Packaging Design – The Embodiment of The Brand
As the pack becomes the embodiment of the brand, proprietors and management need to remember they are the brand custodians. Brands need constant, consistent care and attention. This means treating your brand and its every touch point as a representation of your business to the consumer. Apple is a great example of a company whose brand is handled with precision at every touch point. The packaging design has been considered just as much as the product it contains.
Never forget, you can’t fool the consumer. Their value and perception of brands is based on how they find them, experience them and engage with them. Brands don’t kill brands, people do through carelessness, mismanagement and neglect. Respect and nurture your brand and it will deliver ongoing profitable results.
Return on Investment – Brand Packaging Design
The bottom line for business is that packaging design will almost always have an effect on a company’s profit and loss. Treated as a cost and nothing more than a cosmetic makeover, the effect on the bottom line is likely to be largely ineffective. Treated as an investment and handled with care as a strategic weapon, the result can be very profitable on an ongoing basis.
If you’d like to know more, drop us a line to [email protected] or give us a call at T: +353 1 8322724. We’d be delighted to talk with you.
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