Get “Top 20 Rebranding Mistakes to Avoid
and 13 key Questions to Ask Before You Start” eBook
Solutions to Make Your Brand Highly Visible, Profitable, Credible, Trustworthy, Different, Memorable and Much Loved – The No.1 Brand in Your Market
Are you a business leader, entrepreneur, brand owner or manager with an existing brand, product or service, that you want to revitalise or re-evaluate to grow your business, or are you developing a new brand to launch to market but you’re just not sure where to start to ensure a strong financial return — then these branding solutions are definitely for you.
We have the perfect solution for you, three different ways of working with us to build your brand, depending on your preferences — so if you want us to:
- Build your brand for you – find out more here or get in touch[email protected] or ring +353 1 8322724
- Empower you to build your brand – check out the Persona Brand Building Blueprint™ Mastermind here. This is a two-day intensive where you work on your brand with us codifying and mapping out your brand strategy for business growth. Alternatively, join our half-day Branding Accelerator Masterclass for a fast-injection of brand building essentials
- Want a DIY solution? Check out our how to build a brand eprogramme here
Workshops and Masterclasses

Lorraine’s programmes range from relatively short half-day workshops to more intensive seminars or masterminds lasting two to three days.
All of her programmes are fully interactive and very hands-on with the primary goal of helping business leaders, brand owners, entrepreneurs and managers build their brands so they can become more successful.
While each programme is customised, the central focus is on branding strategy together with brand building and management to drive business growth, and increase market share and profits.
Lorraine delivers her branding programmes to both private clients and as open workshops on request.
International Branding Speaker

The most important thing to take away from any talk or presentation are actionable steps so you can make a difference in your business or organisation to drive growth.
Every presentation or talk Lorraine gives is tailored to meet the needs of the audience attending.
This means she invests time in understanding their particular challenges and clarifying what they really need to know so the strategies she shares can be catalysts for effective change and expansion.
Brand Strategy and Capabilities

We develop brand solutions that cut through the noise to attract your ideal customer so they become purchasers and champions of your brand because this is central to growing your business.
Don’t waste your resources communicating with the world or creating a new brand identity or design until you know exactly who your brand is, what its all about and why it matters. Branding is NOT marketing or design but the bedrock strategy underpinning and directing your whole business so you must develop your brand strategy first because it provides the direction for marketing and design.
Use a strategic approach with proven methodologies so you’re empowered to grow your brand and leverage your team to best effect. Once your brand is fully mapped out and codified, then you’re ready to share your message, give your brand meaningful life — perhaps change the world — and increase your profits.
“Lorraine Carter is my branding mentor, she’s the person that showed me how to improve my personal and business brands — they were a mess when she initially looked at what we had — and she blew my mind! I’ve paid high fees to other ‘supposed’ brand consultants who only had 30% of her in-depth expertise and they couldn’t deliver on what we needed.
Lorraine takes no name companies and transforms them into household brand names. Most importantly, she’s great fun, absolutely passionate about branding and she’ll entertain you whilst demystifying branding and making the unknown clearer — because designing a logo is only a tiny part of your entire branding process.
She gives you the key foundations and lays things out in an easy to use system which gives you all the essentials needed to make your brand standout, to make your brand highly visible. If you use her branding system you’ll soon have everyone talking about your product or service to become No.1 in your market.”
“I attended Lorraine’s seminar about branding and I think she’s really an excellent person. She knows a lot about branding. She can make you understand what branding is really all about, how to build your brand, why it’s important to build your brand, and what you can do to be separate yourself from your competitors, how you can become No.1 in your market. How to differentiate yourself and be unique in the market.
Lorraine’s branding seminar is convinced me to attended her Branding Bootcamp and it’s really great. I really enjoyed it and her vision, her way of doing things because she gets you to understand what really marketing means. She gets you to understand what branding means. I didn’t know what exactly branding meant before I went to the bootcamp. She helps you to create the story of your brand. She makes you understand what you really need to know in order to be a powerful brand in the market.
For me it was really helpful and I advise all entrepreneurs or business owners to come and join this bootcamp. We designed our brand mission, vision, values, the personality of our brand, what we promise to our clients. During the bootcamp we also developed the whole brand brief for when using external agencies so when we left the bootcamp we had all our homework done.
I would strongly recommend all potential clients who are interested in developing their businesses to join this bootcamp. This bootcamp is really very relevant for everyone interested in building their brand. Its very valuable in helping your create the necessary vision.”
“Win their hearts to move their minds, this are the eight words that would best sum up these two days in Lorraine Carter’s Branding Bootcamp. A very, very, very, warm and fun professional to work with. Someone that has taught me how to further engage my clients in the results they want. And also someone that has delivered a very hands on instrument to work with no matter where I intend to use it, either in my PR business or with my clients to assist them in achieving their results.
If you are a young entrepreneur just like me and you know what you want to sell, either a product or a service, and it’s really good quality but you just can’t grasp the how to communicate your message to your core audience, Lorraine Carter is the person you want to work with in order to figure that out and also take you to the next level.
If your interested in the brand strategy that will take you to the next level, that will put you on the market in a premium position, Lorraine Carter is the person to assist you in getting there with specific elements and with specific tools that simply work. All you have to do is focus and know what you want.
Lorraine Carter is definitely a well established professional and it is always a pleasure to see how she helps people like me see their dreams come true just by providing the tool kit that they need to accomplish their goals.”
“As I’m always looking for new ways to improve myself and grow my business I was attracted by the presentation Lorraine Carter gave. I was looking for new ways to revitalise my brand and to increase its impact and the perception of it in the mind of my customer so I attended Lorraine’s workshop and I found a lot of value in the way that she has structured all the branding process from building the brand’s blueprint to how to communicate it outside.
What I can say from the perspective of someone who’s not an amateur in the field because I’ve studied communications, public relations and branding I still found a lot of value in the insights that Lorraine has provided. I found a lot of examples and stories to get me thinking about my brand in a different way. And so I had a structure, I had a big picture of the structure and steps to go through when thinking of your brand and its got me thinking about new ways to communicate it and new ways to give it more personality, new ways to differentiate more and make it even more relevant in the minds of my customers. This is what made me decide to participate in the bootcamp.
For anyone who has a start-up or even a well established business I would totally recommend to come to this bootcamp because it will provide them with a new perspective on how to think of their brand. You see in different markets and industries that are overly competitive what makes the difference is knowing what exactly your business is all about and why people would choose you instead of any other competitor. What makes you different from all the other service or product providers in the market because that’s whats going to make your business be the No.1 choice in the range of those specific products or services that you’re providing. Also thats what’s going to make your brand standout and have a long lasting life and thrive in the context of where you’re operating and delivering value. So totally go for it!
The bootcamp provides you with a lot of insight and more than that, with a systematic process that’s easy for you to understand, easy for you to grasp, easy for you to work with so you finally nail what makes you different in your business, and what you are about and what those key points are that resonate with your audience.
Also what was revealing for me was to start this process by thinking of the customer persona, my ideal customer, what are his or her most important needs, most important problems that I can solve with my service. That’s totally changed the way of thinking of my brand, that’s totally changed the way of thinking of its personality and how to give it more juice, how to bring it to life.
Even when I went through a branding process with another agency three years ago at some point I started feeling that there’s not enough life in it, it doesn’t standout, there’s something missing. Even though I didn’t know what was missing, I didn’t know how to identify what was missing, I couldn’t nail it. It was a feeling that something is missing from the picture and the bootcamp has helped me get a new vision and new ways of adding attributes, adding life, personality to the brand. It’s been very interesting experience for me, what I experienced at the end of the bootcamp after working through all the processes was that feeling of falling back in love with my brand. Which totally made a difference, its going to make a difference for my future actions, for the future process of growing my business.”
“I’m very happy I attended this event. Lorraine Carter is extraordinary, both as a person and as a specialist. The most important lesson I have drawn from what she presented is that our customers must be taken over emotionally first and then by analytical and reasonable arguments. This is something I’m going to take with me and implement immediately within my business”
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Got a question, need some help with your brand or want to engage Lorraine?
Persona Branding & Design Consultants
Contact: Lorraine Carter
T: +353 1 832 2724
Carra House
Howth, Co. Dublin, Ireland
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Persona Design Consultants Ltd.
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