Entries by Lorraine Carter

Can You Streamline and Simplify to Increase Your Brand Profitability?

Tea or Coffee? When restricted to two options, choosing your preference is simple. However, standing at a supermarket shelf faced with several brands and multiple varieties the choice can be overwhelming.    Supermarket shelf choice overwhelm!   When it comes to building a strong profitable brand sometimes less is more. If your brand aims to […]

Building the Voice of Your Brand to Give You a Competitive Edge

Understanding What Makes You Different How is Coca Cola different from Pepsi? Why would you choose to fly Virgin Atlantic over Aer Lingus? When a product or service is not completely unique in the market how do you communicate your “significant difference” to your customers in order to give them a compelling reason to choose […]

Does Your Brand Name Transfer Successfully to the Global Export Markets?

Local versus Global. If you are considering launching your product or service on the international market you’ve probably invested significant amounts of time, effort and resources to date in developing your offering or solution.   Have you invested comparable effort in the foundations, planning and development strategy for your brand or even the name for […]

Strategies to Successfully Penetrate Your Brand Into Irish Households

Early examples of branded goods “placement” in television shows, films and print date back nearly one hundred years so it’s clearly not a recent phenomenon. However Irish law has only permitted product placement since September 2011.   As a strategy for gaining your target audience’s attention is now arguably far more effective then traditional TV […]

8 Top Tips for Building Your Brand Impact on Facebook Timeline

Now that Facebook has rolled out their Timeline format to all business page users it’s a prime opportunity to capitalize on all the benefits the new layout offers your brand.   1. Your Cover Image: Facebook’s cover image really enables a business/brand to capture its audience’s attention and make a strong impression with immediate impact. […]

Using Guerrilla Marketing to Achieve Massive Brand Impact

Guerrilla marketing is not a new concept for achieving significant brand attention. It first came into use in the mid-eighties but in the last number of years it has become a much more widely used marketing ploy, for both small and global brands alike. Its attractiveness and increasingly effective use is largely due to the […]

Maximizing Profitability: Training Your Employees To Be Brand Champions

In Ireland, possibly more so than in any other European country, a company’s reputation is the foundation from which strong brands evolve. We may be known for our talkers but the result of all this chatter can have a significant impact on Irish businesses where a restricted market size often means that word-of-mouth endorsement, or […]

Are You Leading Your Brand Effectively to Maximize Commercial Success?

Branding is not just about big business. Regardless of whether you have a specific brand strategy in place or not, if you are operating in business then you have a brand – good or bad, weak or strong.   In small and medium businesses the single greatest influence on the business brand is the company […]